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Marinas in Frisco, Buxton, Manteo, Wanchese, Columbia, Roper, N.C.

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Scotch Bonnet Marina, Hwy. 12, Box 70, Frisco, NC 27936.  252-995-4242.
Scott Boatyard & Marine Repair, PO Box 312, Buxton, NC 27920.  252-995-4331.
Oregon Inlet Fishing Center, PO Box 2089, Manteo, NC 27954.  252-441-6301.
Davis Marine Maintenance, PO Box 729, Wanchese, NC 27981.  252-473-3908.
Gwaltney Boats, 32 Beverly Dr., PO Box 509, Wanchese, NC. 27981. 252-473-3338.
Pirates Cove Marina, PO Box 1997, Manteo, NC 27954.  252-473-3906.
Salty Dawg Marina, PO Box 489, Manteo, NC 27954.  252-473-3405.
Manteo Waterfront Marina, 207 Queen Elizabeth Ave., Suite 14, Manteo, NC 27954.  252-473-3320.
Alligator River Marina, PO Box 719, Columbia, NC 27925. 252-796-0333.
Columbia Marina, PO Box 510, Columbia, NC 27925.  252-796-8561.
International Yachting Center, US 64 West, PO Box 166, Columbia, NC 27925.  252-796-6381.
Mackey's Landing Marina, 417 Mackey's Ferry Rd., Roper, NC 27970.  252-793-5031.

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