Posted Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The IN PORT Race on May 19 and DEPARTURE Race on May 20 will be conducted off Miami Beach in the area north of the Anchorage. For these races a Safety Zone has been established from 1000 to 1430 each day. Civilian watercraft shall not access the Safety Zone and are required to maintain a safe distance from the perimeter. Buoys and picket boats flying a Volvo Marshall flag will be situated approximately 500 feet inside the margins of the zones.
For Safety Zone coordinates, race schedule and information, please visit:
Be coral conscious! An anchor can destroy in seconds a reef that took decades to build. The IN PORT and DEPARTURE RACE area encompasses live reef habitat and is a NO ANCHOR zone. Current boating laws prescribe:
1. Spectator vessels shall not anchor on or above seagrass, hard bottom, or coral and doing so may subject vessel owner/operator to criminal and/or civil penalties.
2. Vessels should proceed at a safe speed, especially at night, in order to avoid striking any marine mammal or sea turtle.
3. A federal or state agency may impose a civil fine of $25,000 and/or a criminal penalty of $50,000 and/or up to 1 year in jail for violating the Endangered Species Act or damaging sea grass or coral.
4. Any injury to sea turtle, manatee or small tooth sawfish shall be reported immediately to the National Marine Fisheries Service's Protected Resources Division at 727-551-5773 and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's hotline at 1-888-404-FWCC.
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