Anchorages -  South Carolina

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Anclajes en Carolina del Sur





Hilton Head

Murell's Inlet

Myrtle Beach


Charleston has several marinas, as well as several anchoring areas. Up towards the Ashley River there are several boats anchored, however its not very good holding ground. Visiting boaters have told us that the holding ground in an anchorage across from the City Marina, near the ICW is much better, although not very protected. City Marina has mooring balls for $30 a night (this is not a typo) and you can tie your dinghy at their dock for $5 a day. The mooring fee includes facilities but the dinghy landing fee does not include any facilities. As a matter of fact, on our most recent trip to Charleston (April 2002) we were informed that the City Marina no longer lets boaters who are anchored out use the showers.


View of anchorage from bascule bridge across Ashley River facing Charleston.


Coming Soon!


There is a small anchorage in downtown Georgetown, SC, which is situated along the ICW where the Black and PeeDee Rivers meet. From offshore Georgetown is located on Winyah Bay. If you anchor downtown you will find a small dinghy dock (see pictures below) with no signs posted restricting access to shore. The downtown anchorage is picturesque in that it faces the town docks and riverwalk with restaurants, shops and local color. Anchoring in Winyah Bay is not recommended due to the strong currents and murky water. There are some very shallow areas, so please pay attention to the charts, especially at night. 


Georgetown anchorage           Where dinghies  tie up


Downtown Georgetown


Hilton Head


Murrell's Inlet


Myrtle Beach