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Boat Tours -  Rhode Island

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Adirondack Schooner Tours, Newport, RI. 401-842-1600
Aurora, 401-849-6683
Bay Queen Cruises, Warren, RI. 401-245-1350
Classic Cruises of Newport, Christie's Landing, Newport, RI 02840. 401-849-3033.
Flyer Charters, 473 Poppasquash Rd., Newport, RI.
Madeleine Schooner Tours, Newport, RI. 401-847-0298
Oldport Launch Service, Newport, RI. 401-849-2111
Oldport Harbor Tours, Newport, RI. 401-847-9109
Rum Runner II Excursion Tours, Newport, RI 401-847-0299
Seascape Charters, Newport, RI. 401-849-7400
Sightsailing of Newport, 32 Bowen's Wharf, Newport, RI 02840. 401-849-3333
Southland Riverboat, #3 Port of Galilee, Narragansett, RI. 02882 401-783-2954
Spirit of Newport Cruises, 2 Bowen's Ferry Landing, Newport, RI. 401-849-3575
Viking Tours, Goat Island Marina, Newport, RI. 401-847-6921
Woiee, Ann St. Pier, Thames St., Newport, RI. 401-862-0603

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Block Island
Block Island Cruises and Harbor Tours, Payne's Dock, Block Island, RI 401-742-1935
Block Island Ferry, State Pier, Galilee, RI. 1-866-783-7340
Block Island Parasail and Boat Tours, Old Harbor, Block Island, RI 401-864-2474
Island Hi-Speed Ferry, #3 State Pier, Narragansett, RI. 877-733-9425.
White Rose Custom Sail Charters, Block Island, RI. 401-466-7245.

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Frances Fleet, 33 State St., Galilee, RI. 401-783-4988
Lighthouse Tours, Visitor Inforamation Center, Newport, RI. 401-848-5554 1-800-976-5122.
Seven B's V, 11 Riptide Rd., Narragansett, RI. 02882. 401-789-9250

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Warwick/ Pawtucket
Pro Divers, 2442 West Shore Rd., Warwick, RI. 401-739-3483
Samuel Slater Canal Boat, Blackstone Valley Tourism Council, Pawtucket, RI. 401-724-2200

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