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Marinas in Southport, Carolina Beach, NC.

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Indigo Plantation Marina, 6099 Indigo Plantation Dr., Southport, NC 28461  910-457-7380
Southport Marina, Inc. PO Box 10578, Southport, NC 28461  910-457-5261
City of Southport Dock, 201 East Moore, Southport, NC. 28461  910-457-9900.
Bald Head Island Marina, PO Box 3069, Bald Head Island, NC. 28461  910-457-7380
Carolina Beach State Park Marina, PO Box 475, Carolina Beach, NC 28428.  910-458-7770
Waterfront Village and Yacht Club, 100 Spencer Farlow Dr., Carolina Beach, NC. 28428.  910-458-7400.

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