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Steel & Aluminum Welding - Florida

Whether it’s on an offshore oil rig or deep within the hull of a large ocean liner, marine welders are always where the action is around FL. As a marine welder, your career possibilities are vast and the financial compensation you could receive is unlimited. From ship and barge welding to offshore and underwater welding; marine welders bring the skills and training needed to keep shipyards, oil rigs and other Marine related facilities around FL in working order.

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Ft. Lauderdale - Broward County
TW Marine, Inc. - We specialize in custom metal and stainless steel work. Come to us for custom work & a custom experience. Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Call 305-785-6822.

Bradford Marine Inc.  3051 St. Rd. 84, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 954-791-3800

Mango Marine,  Inc., 2029 SW 20th St., Ft. Lauderdale, FL. 33315. (954) 585-1041, (954) 214-8412

Advanced Mechanical Enterprises, Inc. 217 SW 28 St., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33315 954-764-2678
Derecktor of Florida, 775 Taylor Lane, Dania, FL 33004 954-920-5756
Frank & Jimmie's Propeller Shop, 200SW 6 St., Ft. Lauderdale, FL33301 954-467-7723
G.S. Marine Inc., 3040 SW 4 Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33315 954-523-2125
John P. Downs Company, Inc., 800 Old Griffin Rd., Dania Beach, FL 33004 954-921-0800
Marine Welding & Fabricating, Inc., 241 SW 31 St., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33315 954-525-0348
Marquipt, Inc., 3100 SW 10 St., Pompano Beach, FL 33069 954-9957-8333
Mrs. G Diving, Inc. 5911 Rodman St., Hollywood, FL 33023 954-964--4804
Pipewelders Marine, Inc., 2965 W. State Rd. 84, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 954-587-8400
Precision Marine Products, Inc., 1915 SW 21 Ave., Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 954-583-8890

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Miami - Miami-Dade County
Aluminautics - Marine Fabricators with over 15 years experience in customizing Towers, T-tops, Leaning Posts, Rod Holders, and all of your other Aluminum needs. Call us now! 305-522-2889.

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Ft. Pierce
The Fab Shop, LLC. 2903 Industrial Ave. Two, Ft. Pierce, FL. 34946. 561-467-0011 FAX: 561-467-0047.
Heli-Art Welding Inc., 2734 SW Edgarce St., Port St. Lucie, Fl. 34953. 561-878-1020

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Lake Worth, West Palm Beach, North Palm Beach, Boca Raton
Eastern Metal Supply,Inc., 3600 23 Ave. S., Lake Worth, FL33461 561-439-1595


St. Petersburg - Pinellas County
Paradise Yacht Service 727-327-3334


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