Posted Sunday, February 21, 2010
Barry University offers the world’s only four degree in the Recreational SCUBA Diving Industry, producing emerging “Aquatic Professionals” with real world experience ready to lead the diving industry. “With the growth of the freediving portion of the recreational diving industry, it is imperative our emerging industry professionals are familiar with the safety, standards and techniques which make freediving a safe and enjoyable activity. Freediving Instructors International has created a curriculum based around the pillars of safety and technique which fits right in with our risk management ideology at Barry” (Brett Scaglione, Barry University SMDI Instructor and F.I.I. Level 1,2 Instructor).
Meeting twice a week over the course of six weeks with Instructors Martin Stepanek, Niki Roderick, and Brett Scaglione gives students the opportunity to truly become immersed in the freediving lifestyle while acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to become a safe and competent freediver. When asked about the content of the course students emphasized how impressed they were with the detail and in depth knowledge/skills gained in regard to safety and a successful transformation into the aquatic mammal we truly are. “The wonderful thing about freediving is that every human has these innate aquatic abilities - we just show you the way to get in touch with them.
As Barry University SM-DI students enter their careers all around the world, I know they will take these teachings and their passion for freediving with them” (Martin Stepanek, F.I.I. Founder and Multiple World Record Holder).
For more information, visit the website at
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