Posted Thursday, March 16, 2006
The time has come for all of us to explore the potential of alternative fuels for use in our homes, vessels and vehicles.
This technology is available now, and the citizens of Key West and the Florida Keys need to know about it. The first step is to join us for an open public forum at this very important event. Remember, each of us can make a difference and shape the future by attending and learning about alternative fuels.
Biodisel is a clean burning, environmentally friendly, alternative fuel, which can be used in any diesel engine.
Ethanol is a clean burning, domestically produced, alternative fuel which can be used in combustion engines blended with gasoline.
Want to do more for our environment
Those tired of being dependent on foreign oil.
If you would like to know more, or don't know what it is.
Those skeptical of alternative fuels.
Who wonder if alternative fuels will work for your needs.
Join us to see why biodiesel and ethaol are so important to our health, environment, economy and domestic security.
March 29th at 7 PM at Key West Ferry Terminal.
This event is presented by BioFuels America and sponsored by the Key West Propeller Club. For more information call 305-293-7668
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