Posted Wednesday, August 2, 2006
BoatU.S. Cooperating Marinas, which make boating more affordable by offering substantial discounts on fuel, transient slips and repairs, are ramping up for National Marina Day , Saturday, August 12, 2006 . BoatU.S. (Boat Owners Association of The United States) and its 835 BoatU.S. Cooperating Marinas are co-sponsors of this grass- roots effort designed to bring local community attention to the valuable role marinas play in providing access, encouraging responsible use, and generating economic activity. National Marina Day was created by the Association of Marina Industries to highlight the important role marinas play in their communities.
With activities slated for the whole family, Marina Day 2006 will spotlight on how marinas are family-friendly gateways to recreational boating. BBQs, music, raffles, charity fundraisers, visits by local elected officials, beach clean-ups, regattas and boat safety demonstrations are all part of the festivities.
“Marinas are more than just a locally-run small business. They are invaluable to the boater's lifestyle and fulfill a critical need by providing access and services,” said Jim Schofield, Manager of the BoatU.S. Cooperating Marina Program and 2006 Marina Day Committee Member . “Marina Day lets others in the community share in their success in providing quality recreation, and with just two weeks to go, everyone is getting very excited about showing off their facility and showing town leaders how they contribute economically and to their citizens' enjoyment of their waterfront,” he added.
For more information on National Marina Day, contact AMI at 202-737-9774, or e-mail Brooke Fishel at .
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