Posted Friday, May 11, 2007
With free hot dogs and drinks, the annual sale is a fun get together that is part sidewalk sale, part dock party, without the dock!
It's hard to be a boater in South Florida and not have passed through the doors of Sailorman. People from all over the world visit the store, which offers discount marine supplies and hard to find new and used equipment.
But if you haven't been there yet, here's a good reason to check it out: this Saturday May 12th, 2007 Sailorman is having its annual "We Must Be Nuts" sale and auction. But this is no ordinary "We Must Be Nuts" sale, the store is also celebrating its 32nd anniversary - so it'll be super nuts!
The one day event begins at 8:30 and ends at 5:30, with Absolute Auctions at 11 am and 2:30 pm. The setting is very informal, and the items that are auctioned vary, but they always include new electronics and general boating gear. With free hot dogs and drinks, the annual sale is a fun get together that is part sidewalk sale, part dock party, without the dock!
For more information visit the Sailorman website . Don't forget to add yourself to their mailing list and receive coupons in the mail for next year's sale. Sailorman is located at 350 E. State Rd. 84, Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
Click here for driving directions:
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